A boring librarian-type posting
As readers of this blog (both of them, that is) probably know, I am a librarian and, even by librarian standards, I am a nerd. Maybe this is why I love Unshelved, a comic strip written by and for librarians. Anyway, yesterday's and today's strips were especially funny to me, and I wanted to share:

Maybe it's because two of the longest weeks of my life were entirely devoted to this very topic, but these were hilarious to me. People love books, but there are lots of different kinds of books and not everyone likes to read what librarians like to read, so try not to judge people by their literary tastes.
Congratulations, if you read the previous sentence then you now have the equivalent of three hellish credit hours' worth of Library School education. Ask the Frau sometime if you don't believe me.
One great thing about Unshelved is their "Book Club" feature, which highlight a different recommended book every week. The books the select are usually very good, and their reviews are usually very funny in themselves. For instance, take their review of the classic Russian novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, which is mostly praised for being the world's shortest classic Russian novel. (It is a good book, and very short; I once told the Marmoset that it could be reduced to seven words: Poor guy, he just wanted his oatmeal.)
Believe it or not, this isn't the only library comic out there. There is also a comic book called Rex Libris, which I think I've mentioned before, about a librarian who guards the world's dangerous occult-type information from the forces of evil. The online preview is pretty entertaining, and supposedly it's being made into a movie.
While I'm rambling about library stuff, I might as well show you something else I stumbled across today. It's a music video called "Librarian", by a "Goth/Country/Pop" group from New Zealand called Haunted Love. It's not the best song in the world, but the video is kind of interesting:
OK, that's enough rambling for now. I should probably go and do some actual librarian work or something.
NOTE: Click on images for larger version.

Maybe it's because two of the longest weeks of my life were entirely devoted to this very topic, but these were hilarious to me. People love books, but there are lots of different kinds of books and not everyone likes to read what librarians like to read, so try not to judge people by their literary tastes.
Congratulations, if you read the previous sentence then you now have the equivalent of three hellish credit hours' worth of Library School education. Ask the Frau sometime if you don't believe me.
One great thing about Unshelved is their "Book Club" feature, which highlight a different recommended book every week. The books the select are usually very good, and their reviews are usually very funny in themselves. For instance, take their review of the classic Russian novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, which is mostly praised for being the world's shortest classic Russian novel. (It is a good book, and very short; I once told the Marmoset that it could be reduced to seven words: Poor guy, he just wanted his oatmeal.)
Believe it or not, this isn't the only library comic out there. There is also a comic book called Rex Libris, which I think I've mentioned before, about a librarian who guards the world's dangerous occult-type information from the forces of evil. The online preview is pretty entertaining, and supposedly it's being made into a movie.
While I'm rambling about library stuff, I might as well show you something else I stumbled across today. It's a music video called "Librarian", by a "Goth/Country/Pop" group from New Zealand called Haunted Love. It's not the best song in the world, but the video is kind of interesting:
OK, that's enough rambling for now. I should probably go and do some actual librarian work or something.