The Daily Marmoset
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Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mallard Fillmore Sucks (There, I Said It)
I've never been a fan of Mallard Fillmore, the conservative-leaning comic strip that takes the war on "liberal media" to the comics page of the newspaper. For one thing, I've never found that it takes a lot of creativity to keep drawing the same duck and writing a right-wing talking point over his head. (For the same reason, I've never been a fan of Doonesbury.) I was even less impressed a few weeks ago when I learned that, much like the alleged destruction of Christmas, now there's a War on Thanksgiving.
But yesterday's comic is what finally tore it. Observe:

Sure. Clever mockery of environmentalism, undermining the "change" image. I admit it. I'm impressed. It's a good cartoon with a concise message...
... which is why I liked it a month ago when it was in the Christian Science Monitor:

I guess the duck is even less creative than I thought.
But yesterday's comic is what finally tore it. Observe:

... which is why I liked it a month ago when it was in the Christian Science Monitor:

I guess the duck is even less creative than I thought.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Full Metal Rudolph (Friday WTF)
I have been saving this Friday WTF video for months, so I could offer it as an early Christmas present to all (three of) my adoring fans:
WARNING: Foul language abounds. Watch out for employers and small children.
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
WARNING: Foul language abounds. Watch out for employers and small children.
Have a Merry Christmas!!!
Labels: Friday WTF
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Eat my loafers
Do you wish you could send a "farewell kiss" of flying shoe leather to our fearless leader? Now you can! All thanks to the new web game that's sweeping the world:
What better way to commemorate the most ridiculous presidential showdown since Jimmy Carter versus Bunnicula?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The party's in space, Bret
Good news - the season premiere of Flight of the Conchords is available online at Funny or Die.
It's pretty good. The best part is that it has Murray. Lots and lots of Murray.
It's pretty good. The best part is that it has Murray. Lots and lots of Murray.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Penguins: they really aren't all that.
Thank you, Marmoset, for those excellent videos. On a related note...
Have you ever seen a photo of an adorable puppy and thought it needed to get over itself? Have you ever wanted to grab one of God's more photogenic creatures by the lapels and give it the what-for, Joe Friday style?
If so, I have a wonderful new website for you, called Fuck You, Penguin. It's a little bit genius.
Have you ever seen a photo of an adorable puppy and thought it needed to get over itself? Have you ever wanted to grab one of God's more photogenic creatures by the lapels and give it the what-for, Joe Friday style?
If so, I have a wonderful new website for you, called Fuck You, Penguin. It's a little bit genius.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Hamster on a Piano Eating Popcorn
Now THIS is a WTF.
I'll say this: at least it doesn't over-promise. You get EXACTLY what it says you'll get.
You're going to be singing this all day. Just like me.
UPDATE: Mere minutes after posting this, I found one even better. It's so glorious that it won't even come to you. You have to go get it.
I'll say this: at least it doesn't over-promise. You get EXACTLY what it says you'll get.
You're going to be singing this all day. Just like me.
UPDATE: Mere minutes after posting this, I found one even better. It's so glorious that it won't even come to you. You have to go get it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
No snow below (Friday WTF, take 2)
I have been informed that some of our loyal readers don't think Twisted Sister is funny. I say that Twisted Sister is hilarious, especially when they're trying not to be. But we aim to please here at the Daily Marmoset, so let's try this again, with a little more WTF:
Here is the original version. Of course, I strongly suggest turning the volume up to 11.
PS - As a bonus for those of you who do like Twisted Christmas, I proudly present the sequel.
Here is the original version. Of course, I strongly suggest turning the volume up to 11.
PS - As a bonus for those of you who do like Twisted Christmas, I proudly present the sequel.
Labels: Friday WTF
Joyful and Triumphant (Friday WTF)
In case you were wondering, this is more or less what Christmas at the Casa de Frau & Skippy normally looks like:
Labels: Friday WTF
peep show
The Marmoset just sent me this, and I couldn't resist sharing it with the world

Good stuff. Anyway, while I'm at it, here's another piece of late-breaking news (at least for the Frau) : There might be a Fables TV show.

Good stuff. Anyway, while I'm at it, here's another piece of late-breaking news (at least for the Frau) : There might be a Fables TV show.
Friday, December 05, 2008
And a Partridge in a Pear Tree (Friday WTF)
Let's kick off our Christmas festivities with a holiday-themed Friday WTF video. Youtube has about a million Christmas-related videos that would work, but let's start with one that features two of mein Frau's favorite things: the Muppets and (shudder) John Denver.
Labels: Friday WTF
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Bruce Lee: Kicking ass from beyond the grave
I'm actually way too busy to be doing this, but I just saw something and had to share:
(NOTE: For those of you at work, there is a little sound, but it's not really necessary)
Is this real? Did Bruce Lee really do that? It's possible, but sadly, probably not. My guess is that it's digitally altered footage of the real Bruce Lee, probably combined with a stunt double. Regardless, it's pretty awesome, and definitely worth seeing.
Click here for more amazing (and, again, probably fake) feats of Bruce Lee badassery.
(NOTE: For those of you at work, there is a little sound, but it's not really necessary)
Is this real? Did Bruce Lee really do that? It's possible, but sadly, probably not. My guess is that it's digitally altered footage of the real Bruce Lee, probably combined with a stunt double. Regardless, it's pretty awesome, and definitely worth seeing.
Click here for more amazing (and, again, probably fake) feats of Bruce Lee badassery.