Mallard Fillmore Sucks (There, I Said It)
I've never been a fan of Mallard Fillmore, the conservative-leaning comic strip that takes the war on "liberal media" to the comics page of the newspaper. For one thing, I've never found that it takes a lot of creativity to keep drawing the same duck and writing a right-wing talking point over his head. (For the same reason, I've never been a fan of Doonesbury.) I was even less impressed a few weeks ago when I learned that, much like the alleged destruction of Christmas, now there's a War on Thanksgiving.
But yesterday's comic is what finally tore it. Observe:

Sure. Clever mockery of environmentalism, undermining the "change" image. I admit it. I'm impressed. It's a good cartoon with a concise message...
... which is why I liked it a month ago when it was in the Christian Science Monitor:

I guess the duck is even less creative than I thought.
But yesterday's comic is what finally tore it. Observe:

... which is why I liked it a month ago when it was in the Christian Science Monitor:

I guess the duck is even less creative than I thought.
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