The Daily Marmoset

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Law and Order

This morning, I stumbled across a news story that should make Frau very happy:

From the Columbia Daily Tribune - MU Frat Wreaks Havoc at Resort
From the Lake Sun Leader - Frat Trashes Resort

And while looking for more on this little adventure, I came across Man Arrested outside Ellis Library. Ah, the good old Maneater, the newspaper with the awful name and even worse writing.

In light of all this talk about stupid crime, this seems like a good time to mention that the Reno 911 movie is coming out soon.

And now for something completely different, Kentucky Fried Chicken has created the first corporate logo that can be seen from space.

I hope aliens find that someday hundreds of years from now. It will tell them so much about us.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Batman still isn't gay

Because I just can't help myself, here are a few other goodies from
  • One of the most famous graphic novels of all time is "Batman: Arkham Asylum" by Grant Morrison and Dave McKean (aka "the Mirrormask Guy"). However, it never sounded that interesting to me, and this image pretty much killed what little interest I had in reading it.
  • The same goes for the new "All-Star Batman and Robin" series by Frank Miller and Jim Lee. Much as I love his earlier stuff, Frank Miller's writing skills are really slipping recently.
  • (NOTE: You should really ask the Frau sometime for her opinion of Frank Miller's work. That's always a fun topic.)
  • This one might have the greatest title in comics history: Archie Meets the Punisher. The ending must be extremely disappointing, though, since Archie is still alive.
  • This has to be my favorite image on the whole site:

I bet you could do a whole website of inappropriate
comic book sound effects, but that is a job for a much
lonelier person than me.

In the spirit of all these great comics, I would like to share the following jewel of a video clip from Youtube:

Last but not least, Frau's worst nightmare has come to pass: Robots are now heavily armed and they think we're delicious.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Believe it or not, these are real.

It is commonly believed among nerds that there are two images that, when put on the cover of a comic book, will instantly boost that book's sales every time. The first is a picture of a gorilla (preferably Kong-sized), and the second is a picture of Superman being cruel to his friends.

Below are my favorite examples of each:

ABOVE: Yes kids, Superman spent a large portion of the 50s fighting
a gigantic Kryptonite-powered ape named Titano. Good times.

Awesome as this is, I was sorely tempted to use this one instead.
Either way, it sucks to be Jimmy Olsen.

A couple years ago, someone compiled a magnificent collection of old comic book covers entitled "Superman is a Dick." And when you see the look on Aquaman's face in the above picture, it's tough to argue with that claim, but that's not the point. Anyway, the collection has since expanded into a hilarious website called Besides the classic group of Superman covers, a few new ones have been added, including:

Speaking of comics, since today is election day, and since it's been a while since I did anything to really enrage my brother, I proudly present Liberality for All, the right-wing comic in which Sean Hannity and Gordon Liddy save the world from corrupt pinko tyrants. Yeah, I didn't believe it either till I saw it.

Yep, that's supposed to be Sean Hannity. Told you so.

In closing, a graphics site called ImageChef has a custom button-making template just in time for election day. It's a pretty fun little toy, as can be seen below.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Stanger than fiction

NOTE: Things have been kind of busy, so I haven't written anything lately. Sorry. Anyway, on with the show...

We live in a strange world, and it keeps getting stranger. A number of news articles brought that home for me last week by escaping from science fiction tales into real life. For instance:
  • Scientists Create Cloak of Partial Invisibility - The headline pretty much says it all. I was disappointed to learn, however, that "cloak of partial invisibility" meant cloaked from microwave-frequency light, which people can't see anyway. So it's only invisible if your eyes aren't working? But they partially made up for it by making their not-that-invisible cloak out of something called "Metamaterials", which sounds like the greatest fake-science term since Reed Richards invented "unstable molecules."
  • According to the Discovery Channel, a giant meteorite was found beneath a Kansas wheatfield. The article is very brief, and therefore does not mention the meteorite's passengers or its effects on the local population of melodramatic and unnaturally attractive teenagers.
  • In a world where impossibly bad writing is everywhere on TV, who could have imagined that Iggy Pop's roadie was a comedic genius?
  • A British scientist by the thoroughly British name of Dr. Oliver Curry recently announced that the "Human species may 'split in two'." The wealthier humans might gradually evolve into tall, beautiful, and childlike creatures, while the underclass would become a squat, hairy, "goblin-like" species. Thank God for Dr. Curry and his revolutionary new ideas; anything else would sound like century-old science fiction.
After all that, the most amazing new development has to be instant imaginary furniture. Hard to believe, but a Swedish furniture company has invented a way to capture a 3-D model of someone's drawing in the air, and then automatically turn out a plastic model of it.

click here or on the photo for a video demonstration.