Batman still isn't gay
Because I just can't help myself, here are a few other goodies from
I bet you could do a whole website of inappropriate
comic book sound effects, but that is a job for a much
lonelier person than me.
In the spirit of all these great comics, I would like to share the following jewel of a video clip from Youtube:
Last but not least, Frau's worst nightmare has come to pass: Robots are now heavily armed and they think we're delicious.
- One of the most famous graphic novels of all time is "Batman: Arkham Asylum" by Grant Morrison and Dave McKean (aka "the Mirrormask Guy"). However, it never sounded that interesting to me, and this image pretty much killed what little interest I had in reading it.
- The same goes for the new "All-Star Batman and Robin" series by Frank Miller and Jim Lee. Much as I love his earlier stuff, Frank Miller's writing skills are really slipping recently.
- (NOTE: You should really ask the Frau sometime for her opinion of Frank Miller's work. That's always a fun topic.)
- This one might have the greatest title in comics history: Archie Meets the Punisher. The ending must be extremely disappointing, though, since Archie is still alive.
- This has to be my favorite image on the whole site:

comic book sound effects, but that is a job for a much
lonelier person than me.
In the spirit of all these great comics, I would like to share the following jewel of a video clip from Youtube:
Last but not least, Frau's worst nightmare has come to pass: Robots are now heavily armed and they think we're delicious.
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