The Daily Marmoset

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We must be #26

PC World just released their list of the 25 Worst Web Sites Ever. By some miracle, the Daily Marmoset did not make the cut, but we'll try harder next year, I promise.

Some of the sites on the list are like a crappy blast from the past. Remember this guy, #24 on the list? For reasons I will never understand, the Internet (briefly) made Mahir "I Kiss You!" Cagri of Izmir, Turkey into a global celebrity for his astonishingly crappy home page, which has apparently not been updated since it hit the big time in 1999.

(Random Thought of the Day: I used to know a girl from Izmir. It's probably for the best that I never mentioned this site to her.)

While Cagri's impact on popular culture was microscopic (thank God), PC World does point out one upshot that I'd never noticed before. Note his remarkable resemblance to another cult celebrity with a giant moustache and tenuous grasp of English: Borat Sagdiyev, the sixth most famous man in Kazakhstan.

Borat and Mahir: Separated at birth?

A few of the other highlights from the list:
  • Weighing in at #21,, aka the Dark Lord of Ebay, the online casino, has been buying itself publicity for several years now through the purchase of such unholy relics as Britney Spears' lunch, William Shatner's kidney stone, some idiot's forehead, some other idot's firstborn, and Jerry Garcia's toilet.
  • As an American, I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that (#13) is out of business.
  • Some things never change: the creepy little Dancing Baby (#12) still fills me with rage, most of it directed at Ally McBeal.
  • On the other hand, I will gladly give my life in defence of the Hamster Dance (#9).
  • Bonzi Buddy (#8), gone but unfortunately not forgotten, can burn in hell. One accidental click and it took me a week to purge that damned purple freak from my computer.
  • I'd never heard of it before, but CyberRebate (#2) has to be the dumbest business idea of all time: charge people a fortune for stuff, promise them a 100% rebate, then hope they're stupid enough to forget you offered them free money.
A lot of more legitimate websites made the list too, including Hotmail, Windows Update, and its #1 winner, MySpace. It's hard to argue with those choices - especially MySpace, which should probably be called Why Dateline Exists. But those aren't nearly as much fun, are they?


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