The Daily Marmoset

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Predator for President

NOTE: Some time ago, I promised the Marmoset a gift in celebration of his outstanding entry on the sociopolitical importance of Rocky Balboa, not to mention his other recent accomplishments. Since I was using Photoshop this morning (for work, I swear!), it reminded me of said promise, which shall be fulfilled below.

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A great many people in Hollywood eventually wind up in politics (and, occasionally, vice versa.)
According to some reports, even Charles Barkley is considering a run for governor of Alabama. When Sir Charles seems like a good political candidate, something in our country must be really, really wrong, but I digress.

For some strange reason, the cast of the 1980s action classic Predator seemed to be especially ambitious, as the heroic (yet remarkably slow-witted) band of U.S Special Forces included the future governors of both Minnesota and California. And one of them even survives to the end!

The Predator: ruthless warrior, fierce hunter, political kingmaker.
Of course, they were both in The Running Man too, but nobody except me seems to remember that. (I wish I didn't remember that movie every damn time I turn on the TV, but again I digress.) I also wish I could link here to Governor Ventura's historic Daily Show interview with Beth Littleford, but alas YouTube has failed me.

Anyway, I think it's time for the third star (third human star, that is) of Predator to step up and throw his hat into the ring. Therefore, in order to get the ball rolling I humbly present the following:

click on image for full-size version
I could think of worse candidates, actually. Lots of them. Hell, if I had the 2004 election to do again, I'd probably vote for Cthulhu.

As I write this entry, the Marmoset is locked in an epic academic struggle. If his own heart metanarrative should begin to wane, I hope this will help him get through. Eye of the Tiger, chief.

And if that doesn't encourage him, maybe Jon Stewart will.

PS - That reminds me. If my lovely sister-in-law is reading this, I know I owe her a favor, and it's next on my to-do list.


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