Random thoughts
If anyone needs a way to kill a few minutes at work, here are a few suggestions:
- Read this article from the Post-Dispatch: Gator is among domestic dispute victims. If you can read that title and not want to know more, you're a better person than me.
- Read this article, Rocket Men, about the world's first rocketbelt convention. (Never heard of a rocketbelt? That's a jetpack to you and me, Russ.)
- On the homefront, the Marshall Public Library in central Missouri has been challenged over their inclusion of graphic novels in the collection. One of the challenged books, Blankets by Craig Thompson, has won a long string of awards. I don't really have anything witty to say about that, just wanted to share.
- My idea for a Simpsomatic-based contest was an unadulterated failure, but maybe the South Park Studio will bring better luck. Thanks to the Marmoset for bringing this to my attention.
- Likewise, the Mr. Picassohead can bring hours of enjoyment, though I don't recommend trying a self-portrait unless you have far more artistic talent than I do. (Not that that's saying much.)
- Hey librarians, feeling tired and out of shape? Try the Library Workout Tape! The music alone is worth it. The year was 1987...
- On a related note, try The Librarian, a 1947 classic from the "Your Life Work" vocational films series. The best part is the two reference interviews, especially the second one. Brought to you by the good people at Internet Archive, itself an endless supply of diversions.
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