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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Believe it or not, these are real.

It is commonly believed among nerds that there are two images that, when put on the cover of a comic book, will instantly boost that book's sales every time. The first is a picture of a gorilla (preferably Kong-sized), and the second is a picture of Superman being cruel to his friends.

Below are my favorite examples of each:

ABOVE: Yes kids, Superman spent a large portion of the 50s fighting
a gigantic Kryptonite-powered ape named Titano. Good times.

Awesome as this is, I was sorely tempted to use this one instead.
Either way, it sucks to be Jimmy Olsen.

A couple years ago, someone compiled a magnificent collection of old comic book covers entitled "Superman is a Dick." And when you see the look on Aquaman's face in the above picture, it's tough to argue with that claim, but that's not the point. Anyway, the collection has since expanded into a hilarious website called Besides the classic group of Superman covers, a few new ones have been added, including:

Speaking of comics, since today is election day, and since it's been a while since I did anything to really enrage my brother, I proudly present Liberality for All, the right-wing comic in which Sean Hannity and Gordon Liddy save the world from corrupt pinko tyrants. Yeah, I didn't believe it either till I saw it.

Yep, that's supposed to be Sean Hannity. Told you so.

In closing, a graphics site called ImageChef has a custom button-making template just in time for election day. It's a pretty fun little toy, as can be seen below.


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