The Daily Marmoset

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

So this Bronze Age hunter-gatherer walks into a bar...

I don't have long, but this needed to be shared.

Yahoo News reported today on a British study that traced the World's Ten Oldest Jokes. The full list, spanning about 2,300 years, is here, though I'm not sure if the ones by Odysseus and Oedipus (#4 and 5) really count.

Anyway, the ancient Sumerians, founders of the first civilization, also came up with this knee-slapper of a proverb around 1900 BC:

"Something which has never occurred since time immemorial;
a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."

That joke is literally as old as the Pyramids. Sadly, it still sounds newer than most of my Dad's material.

The second oldest joke, according to the study, comes from Egypt a full 400 years before Moses:

Q: How do you entertain a bored pharaoh?

A: You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish.

Charming. I guess we can at least credit the Egyptians with inventing the traditional question-and-answer format.

Last but not least, we have the first recorded joke in English, courtesy of the 10th Century:

Q: What hangs at a man's thigh and wants to poke the hole that it's often poked before?
A: A key.

That is by far the best joke on the list. Hooray for modern comedy.

Come to think of it, the Greek playwright Aristophanes wrote several comedies that are older (and considerably funnier) than half the stuff on that list. And let's not forget the ever-popular Proverbs 26:11, which is a few hundred years older than him. Hey, if the Sumerian wife farting in her husband's lap makes the cut, so should that.

And of course, let's not forget the vital contributions of Comicus, the first Stand-up Philosopher:

WARNING: the following video contains a bit of colorful language.
Please watch only when small children and/or employers are out of earshot.

Bea Arthur. Outstanding.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Whiskey for My Men... (Friday WTF)

Sometimes, a story comes along that desperately needs to be made into an epic motion picture. These stories, as a general rule, are not to be found in crappy Toby Keith/Willie Nelson duets. Nonetheless, Friday WTF proudly presents:

ABOVE: Yes, that is Ted Nugent holding
the knife. No, that probably won't help.

The trailer is online, along with the music video that started (and should have ended) it all.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Red, White, & Blue Light Special

It is a sad time for the old hometown. I just saw this funny but entirely too true "Back in Black" segment from the Daily Show, entitled "End of an Empire Sale"

PS - Lewis Black is the man.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Time for Some Campaignin'

JibJab, the online empire launched 4 years ago by their animated video "This Land", has released a new election-year sequel, "Time for Some Campaignin'", set (appropriately enough) to the tune of Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are a-Changin".

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Just thought you should know.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight Returns

I went with Frau and the Marmoset to see "The Dark Knight" over the weekend. Wow, was that a good movie. I can't believe how much stuff they effectively packed in; it felt like I just saw Batman Part II, III, and at least part of IV all in one sitting.

A few brief observations(with spoilers kept to a minimum):
  • Heath Ledger is officially the best Joker there ever was or ever will be.
  • Comic geek note: Kudos to the writers for lots and lots of reasons, but especially for resisting the obvious temptation of just making a rip-off of the most famous and (until now) disturbing Joker story: Alan Moore's The Killing Joke.
  • Making a worthy sequel to this, especially in light of Batman's status at the end, will be a HUGE challenge.
The amount of Batman stuff they packed into this movie, actually gives me some scrap of hope for the Watchmen movie, due out next March. The very cool new trailer for Watchmen also leads me to be a little more optimistic. But making a 2-minute trailer full of badass special effects is one thing, squeezing the entire book into a single movie without mangling it beyond recognition is something else entirely. And Alan Moore-based movies don't have the greatest of track records (hence my relief at point #2 above). But we'll see what happens.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dance, Puppets!!! (Friday WTF)

Last weekend, we missed the 2008 PuppetFest Midwest conference in the Frau's hometown. Maybe we'll make it next year. Meanwhile, I hope this WTF video can help tide Frau over until then.

Bonus Video: In case you're curious, here's the original version.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Light it up (Friday WTF)

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following WTF is dedicated to my brother-in-law and his family, who are masters of the fireworks display.

Two of our last three posts involved the Fourth of July and MacGyver/MacGruber getting blowed up, so I suppose this WTF video could be considered the conclusion of a weird and accidental trilogy.

The following is a is an astoundingly unsuccessful warning about the dangers of fireworks, produced by the good people of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

ABOVE: My favorite part is the scene beginning at 1:28. Poor guy.

It's amazing how their tiny, crappy firework display (especially when watched from a ridiculous distance) pales next to the unintentionally awesome carnage that precedes it. Next year the Frau and I are getting some M-1000s and some surplus mannequins, and we're going to do the Fourth up right. Thanks CPSC!

PS - It is truly terrifying what floats to the surface when you go to Youtube and search for fireworks. For example...


Monday, July 07, 2008

Monday Milkshakes

I know the "Monday M's" are typically the Marmoset's thing, but I couldn't resist:

That was the best SNL sketch I've seen in a long time. By the way, if you haven't seen "No Country for Old Men" and/or "There Will Be Blood", this pretty much captures my opinion of both.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Presidential Rock (Friday WTF)

NOTE: The following WTF video comes from the archives of JibJab, the official role models of this blog.

The Daily Marmoset proudly salutes the United States of America today on its 232nd birthday by bringing you following video by the Founding Fathers, featuring DJ Johnny A.

As an extra-special patriotic bonus, we proudly present the Star Spangled Banner, the Star Spangled Banner, and the Star Spangled Banner.

Thank you, happy Fourth of July, and God bless America!


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Behold the power of mullets and duct tape

The hyper-geeky webcomic xkcd is always funny, but I especially liked today's strip, entitled "MacGyver Gets Lazy", which I had to share:

As a bonus, the comic's alt tag mentioned the Wikipedia Article entitled "List of problems solved by MacGyver", which is even better than it sounds.

Speaking of which, if you haven't seen the Saturday Night Live parodies "MacGruber", you really should: