The Daily Marmoset

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

A True Clash of Titans

Found this video of Geraldo and Bill O'Reilly at each other's throats over immigration.

(Click the title of this entry)

There's something truly enjoyable about watching a bitter fight in which you hope that both sides lose.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hey Baby, what's your Cutter number?

Just a quick note: I found this online today and it made my day:

In case you're in a hurry, here are a few of my favorites:

  • So is it true academic librarians only let scholars in?

  • You have the tightest hair bun in the place.

  • Let's play search engine: enter your terms and see if you get positive results.

  • I'd catalog you under "Desirable!"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cinematic Titanic

NOTE: I'll be brief because I'm very busy today, but I needed to write because I bring tidings of great joy.

Once upon a time, there was a show called Mystery Science Theater 3000. And it was good. So very, very good. Then it went away, and all the world mourned for it.

Then last week, Joel Hodgson, aka Joel the main character on MST3k, announced he was getting the band back together, so to speak. He and the other original writer/performers of the show are "getting together in the form of a new movie riffing delivery system called Cinematic Titanic".

ABOVE: the Man Himself, just a bit older.

No real word yet on what this Cinematic Titanic will be exactly, but there is an interesting (though too long for me to finish just now) interview with Joel at, of all places,

I just wanted to share that during a brief moment to myself before getting back to work. Also, if you have more free time than I do, here are a pair of new links that I failed to cleverly work into this post:

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ooh, and it makes me wonder...

Just a brief Marmoset shout-out to the webcomic XKCD by Randall Munroe. Billed as "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language", it is on occasion a little too geeky even for my tastes. But it can also be damn funny, in a highly nerdish way, and once in a while surprisingly sad or strangely moving. Anyway, before I get too busy with work today, I had to share today's comic, entitled "Classic":

Preach on, Randall.