The Daily Marmoset

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Hi-yooooo (Friday WTF)

This Friday WTF pays tribute to an American legend, Ed McMahon, who died earlier this week.


Friday, June 12, 2009

The cutest little song you ever had (Friday WTF)

Mein Frau recently sent me this video, which I now pass along as your Friday WTF:

Wow. When I saw that for the first time, I had two thoughts:

1. Poor bastard.

2. This:

: the full (and mildly unsafe for work) version is available here.


Friday, June 05, 2009

Vee Germans are not all smiles und sunshine (Friday WTF)

Today is another of my infamous quasi-holidays: it's St. Boniface Day.

Saint Boniface
(c.675-754) is the patron saint of Germany. To make a long story short, he was the missionary who brought Christianity to Germany in the 8th Century, much like St. Patrick brought it to Ireland about 300 years earlier. No offense to Paddy, but why should he get all the parties and fun for his feast day, while Boniface, apostle to the other half of my beer-loving ancestry, gets nothing? I say it's time we showed a little more fairness in the saints we drink to/for/with.

Therefore, this Friday WTF video is dedicated to the Apostle of the Germans:

BONUS VIDEOS: This great scene, as well as the title of this post, comes from a classic German-themed episode of the Simpsons:

Speaking of the Simpsons:

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Koko Taylor

I was sorry to hear the great Koko Taylor, one of the all-time great blues singers, died yesterday. I don't have time to do much of a post about her, but

Here she is, singing her most famous song, "Wang Dang Doodle" (along with the great Little Walter on harmonica) :

and here is part of an interview with her from some documentary, along with her singing part of "Cried like a Baby", my personal favorite song of hers: