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Thursday, January 11, 2007

lost and found

It seems to be a good time for missing things to turn up. Ray Heilwagen of Hannibal, MO recently recovered a wallet he had lost. This wouldn't have been that unusual, except that he lost the wallet in France in July 1944, shortly after he was wounded in combat during World War II.

Then today, the Post Dispatch reported that Paul Thiel of Kirkwood, MO recovered his wallet that he lost on a Colorado mountaintop in 1958. Thiel, now 69 years old, was a 20-year old counselor at a summer camp at the time. Weird, huh?

NOTE TO MARMOSET: Sorry I couldn't
find a photo with Dennis Hastert in it.

On a very distantly related note, Simon Pegg has returned to the movies. (see what I did there?) Creator of Shaun of the Dead, the zombie-powered romantic comedy more commonly known as the Marmoset's Favorite non-Rocky Movie, Pegg and friends have now made a buddy cop movie called HOT FUZZ.

Hmm, not much resemblance there...

Anyway, the highly promising trailer is online now, and the movie comes out in April.


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