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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why music is not written by committee

Another quick post from a truly horrific link that the Frau sent me, from Wired News:

EDITOR'S NOTE: The song itself is available for streaming or download at the above site. Click at your own risk.

The article lists some of the "unwanted" musical traits they incorporated (cowboys, bagpipes, cheap synthesizer, etc.), but neglected to mention one of the most undesirable things about the song: it's twenty minutes long. I tried to listen to it, but they lost me about 2 minutes in, just after the tuba solo.

Even to attempt something like this is a Frankenstein-sized crime against God and nature. But you know the really sick part? Their attempt at a Most Wanted Song is even worse. It sounds like the music from a dentist's office in Hell.


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