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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Coming soon

I wrote recently about everyone's least favorite rampaging green anti-hero, the Hulk. Yahoo Movies just released the trailer for his new movie, due out in June.

It looks surprisingly promising. Edward Norton should make a pretty good Bruce Banner, along with Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky, aka "The Abomination" and Liv Tyler as Betty Ross. Two things concern me, though:
  • No Sam Elliot. Not that I have anything against William Hurt, but after seeing the first attempt at a Hulk movie, I have a really hard time picturing anyone else as General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Sam Elliot just plain looks like a guy who should be named Thunderbolt, am I right?

  • According to the Yahoo site, Ty Burrell (the guy talking to Banner at the start of the trailer, I think) plays Dr. Leonard Samson. Doc Samson -- who in absolutely no way should be confused with Brock Samson -- is Marvel Comics' resident super-psychiatrist. That's right, he's a superhero who provides psychiatric counseling to other superheros. Granted, there are a LOT of superheros could certainly use some therapy, but his being in this movie is probably not a good omen.
In related news, the movie version of Alan Moore's masterpiece "Watchmen" is apparently coming out in just under a year. Yahoo Movies has a number of photos, some of which look fairly good, others not so much.

I have long believed that Watchmen, probably the greatest graphic novel ever written, is 100% unfilmable. There is just too much overlapping stuff crammed in there to make a coherent movie; either a director would have to (a) slash out practically everything that made it great, or (b) cram in so much material that none of it would make any sense, or (c) make it about 7 hours long. Not to give anything away to those who haven't read it, but judging by the photo of the newsstand, I'm placing my bet on (b).

Who knows, maybe I'm wrong and the movie will turn out to be a masterpiece in its own right. But the more I think about it, the more my brain comes back to Alan Moore's guest appearance on the Simpsons.

ABOVE: "Which of the Watchmen Babies is
your favorite, Mr. Moore?" Absolute freaking genius.


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