Hail to the Chiefs, part 3
Our President's Week coverage continues with the battle for...
Scariest President:
Real - Andrew Jackson. Don't let the old guy on the $20 bill fool you. Besides being a war hero who enjoyed crushing Indian tribes for menacingly minding their own business, he also liked dueling. A lot. He fought over a dozen duels in his life, killing at least one person and being shot multiple times himself. He fell in love with a married woman, Rachel Robards, but the marriage allegedly ended when Jackson threatened her husband's life. Last but not least, Jackson (at the age of 67!) became the only president in American history to personally kick the ass of his would-be assassin.
Fictional - President Lindburg (aka the gigantic black guy from the Fifth Element). I'm not sure if he's actually president of the U.S.A., but close enough. He's played by "Tiny" Lister, best known (to me, anyway) as Sancho from the music video for "Santeria".
Winner - Tough call, but I've got to give this one to Jackson. I could be wrong, but I'll bet $20 that if Jackson had been in charge, that weird space-force thingy would have run crying to its mother (assuming it has a mother) within the first 20 minutes.
ABOVE: Congrats to President Jackson,
who is officially the scariest old man of his era.
Scariest President:
Real - Andrew Jackson. Don't let the old guy on the $20 bill fool you. Besides being a war hero who enjoyed crushing Indian tribes for menacingly minding their own business, he also liked dueling. A lot. He fought over a dozen duels in his life, killing at least one person and being shot multiple times himself. He fell in love with a married woman, Rachel Robards, but the marriage allegedly ended when Jackson threatened her husband's life. Last but not least, Jackson (at the age of 67!) became the only president in American history to personally kick the ass of his would-be assassin.
Fictional - President Lindburg (aka the gigantic black guy from the Fifth Element). I'm not sure if he's actually president of the U.S.A., but close enough. He's played by "Tiny" Lister, best known (to me, anyway) as Sancho from the music video for "Santeria".
Winner - Tough call, but I've got to give this one to Jackson. I could be wrong, but I'll bet $20 that if Jackson had been in charge, that weird space-force thingy would have run crying to its mother (assuming it has a mother) within the first 20 minutes.

who is officially the scariest old man of his era.
I also forgot to mention that his inauguration in 1829 was an open party, where the White House was mobbed by thousands of well-wishers, who looted the place and nearly rioted over the free booze and ice cream. This makes Jackson a front-runner for the title of "Most Rock n' Roll President".
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