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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

cleaning my bookmarks file, part 2

Because of the recent lag in my postings, I've accumulated a bunch more links. The following is a collection of some of these, in absolutely no order. Enjoy:
  • Thanks to the oh-so-reliable sources at Wikipedia, the rumors of Sinbad's death have been greatly exaggerated.
  • Nothing says "ultra-cool and modern" like a nice pair of cybernetic lederhosen. (By the way, if there's not a band called the Cybernetic Lederhosen, there should be.)
  • Speaking of lederhosen, that reminds me: I need ot speak with the Frau about something of great importance.
  • This morning's Post-Dispatch had a very amusing article about the coming grudge match between the Springfields of Illinois and Missouri (along with 14 others) for the right to host the premiere of the Simpsons Movie. While I have to give Missouri the edge for having a spokesman who is clearly more educated in Simpsons lore, the best part of the article was the illustration of both Illinois and Missouri versions of Homer:

Depressing, but true.

  • Someone recently put out yet another list of the 200 "Definitive" albums of all time (which is not to be confused with Time's All-Time list). I'm a little puzzled at how "Thriller" made it to #3, but then again half the pop "music" of the last 10 years has been directly ripped off from Michael Jackson, so what do I know.
  • I thought this was an interesting article on Koji Kondo, the Beethoven of video game soundtracks.
  • Also from the good people at Wired Magazine comes this very entertaining article about a Christian imitation of Youtube entitled GodTube.
  • Congrats to SIUC on their remarkable success in athletics this year. Their basketball team, the Salukis (don't ask), are moving on to the Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament. Now if they could just work on some other areas, like their marketing department...
  • Many librarians have complained (often at extreme length) about the lack of "cool librarians" in popular culture. For those who aren't satisfied with Batgirl, Kathryn Hepburn, and a Parker Posey movie nobody's ever heard of, I am proud to introduce Rex Libris, badass librarian and guardian of the dark secrets of the Dewey Decimal System.
  • Marvel Comics, in a move of questionable judgment, killed Captain America a few weeks ago. While anyone who knows anything about superheroes knows that their deaths are generally less permanent than their haircuts, I am among the many who feel, in the words of one reviewer, "righteous fury" for a variety of reasons.
Yeah, that will last.
I've got more, believe it or not, but that should do for now. Enjoy the links and excuse me while I get back to work.


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