The Daily Marmoset

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Blasts from the Past

Frau and I Netflixed "The Adventures of Pete & Pete" last night. How is it possible for a show that ran on Nickelodeon thirteen years ago (and that stared as a series of commercials) to be funnier, cooler and vastly more original than anything on TV now?

(Good God, has it actually been thirteen years?!?!)

A few of my favorite lines:
  • "Does this guy pick your scabs the way he's picking mine?"
  • "Sleep is for the puny."
  • "You don't take history. It takes you."
Speaking of fond memories from the early 90s, I may not have the highest of hopes for the Transformers, but this is another story entirely.

According to Internet rumor and judging by the trailer, the new TMNT movie will be much more like the original, Marvel-parodying comics of the early 80s than the subsequent cartoons. That means more violence and extra-badass ninjas, but it also means plenty of humor, though it will be of a more subtle variety. In other words, jokes that don't revolve around pizza, Turtle Wax, and surfer lingo. Glory, glory Hallelujah.

One final note: Since he has recently joined the rebellion against Big Brother, I just found the Marmoset's Christmas present.


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