The Daily Marmoset

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Short and sweet

Er, sorry. that post from yesterday sort of got away from me. I'll be much more brief today.

First, in a final postscript to my recycling-crap-from-television rant, I saw in the news this morning that they're making a Smurfs movie, scheduled for release in 2008. The Smurfs will be made into a CGI movie, apparently in part due to the excitement over a Transformers movie that hasn't even been made yet. Oh goody, I can't wait. I wonder which will get a movie first, M.A.S.K. or C.O.P.S.?

Now please don't misunderstand me; I'm a product of the 80's and I have extremely fond memories of all those shows. Voltron, He-Man, Optimus Prime, Snake Eyes, and the rest probably had a far greater impact on my impressionable little marmoset brain than I'd care to admit. However, making these shows into a movie has been tried before, and I don't think thats a road we want to go down again. Mark my words: here begins a chain of events that will not end until they reach the absolute dregs of the 80's cartoon barrel.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

I also see that in two consecutive days we have lost William Westmoreland and Scotty. Those are two names I never expected to use in the same sentence.


Blogger The Marmoset said...

There's also going to be a new "Omen" movie.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Skippy said...

Of course there is.

3:10 PM  

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