We, Robots
The always interesting BoingBoing recently posted about a new T shirt featuring (by my count) 52 celebrity sci-fi robots.
I am geekily proud (and yet, of course, just a tiny bit ashamed) to report that I recognize about half of them. The big thingy in the center is a Martian "Milking Stool" from War of the Worlds (which is not a real robot, if you want to be technical); and the 5 things within its legs are:
I did not do so well with the corresponding Alien shirt, however:

I believe the big dude in the middle is a Sorn from CS Lewis's "Out of the Silent Planet", and I'm thrilled to see they included a Mooninite (upper left), Kang and/or Kodos, and best of all a Yip-Yip (upper right, with Tay-Lay-Fo-No). But apparently I'm way behind on my alien knowledge.
Here's hoping the great Robot Uprising comes before the aliens get here...
I am geekily proud (and yet, of course, just a tiny bit ashamed) to report that I recognize about half of them. The big thingy in the center is a Martian "Milking Stool" from War of the Worlds (which is not a real robot, if you want to be technical); and the 5 things within its legs are:
- a Rock'em-Sock'em Robot
- Mecha-Godzilla
- R2D2
- one of those flying Robo-squids from the Matrix movies
- The mechanical owl from Clash of the Titans
- Astro-Boy
- Marvin the Paranoid Android (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
- K-9 (Dr. Who's pet robo-dog)
- Crow from Mystery Science Theater
- Johnny 5 (from Short Circuit and the timeless Short Circuit 2)
- Mega Man
- the camera-headed robot from Pee Wee's Playhouse
- Wall-e (can't wait for that movie)
- Tom Servo of Mystery Science Theater (no Gypsy???)
- the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz (technically a cyborg)
- the annoying sidekick robot from Lost in Space.
- Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still
- a Terminator
- Bender from Futurama
- the evil robot from the first Robocop movie
- C-3P0
- Wallace's Techno Trousers (does that really count as a robot?)
- the Iron Giant
- the Jetsons' maid
- Optimus Prime
- a Cyberman, maybe? (technically a cyborg)
- Voltron (technically a mecha)
- a Dalek (technically a cyborg)
- a Furby (technically a spawn of the lower reaches of Hell)
I did not do so well with the corresponding Alien shirt, however:

I believe the big dude in the middle is a Sorn from CS Lewis's "Out of the Silent Planet", and I'm thrilled to see they included a Mooninite (upper left), Kang and/or Kodos, and best of all a Yip-Yip (upper right, with Tay-Lay-Fo-No). But apparently I'm way behind on my alien knowledge.
Here's hoping the great Robot Uprising comes before the aliens get here...
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three legged robot is one of the attack droids from the recent Star Wars movies the ones that can turn into balls.
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