The Daily Marmoset

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Friday, August 07, 2009

RIP John Hughes

We interrupt this Friday WTF to bring you sad news: John Hughes, the undisputed lord and master of 1980s comedy, has died at the age of 59.

In a ten year period (1982-1992), Hughes wrote, produced, and/or directed twenty-three movies, most of them actually damn good. "The Breakfast Club", "Ferris Bueller", the "Vacation" movies, "Weird Science", "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles", and the complete works of Molly Ringwald will be making people laugh for a very, very long time.

As a Daily Marmoset salute to Mr. Hughes, I proudly present my two favorite scenes from my two favorite John Hughes movies.

1. The sledding scene, Christmas Vacation:

2. The airport scene, Planes Trains & Automobiles: (WARNING: Profanity Ahoy!)

BONUS VIDEOS: the second-best scenes from each of the above films:
(WARNING: more Profanity Ahoy!)


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